
WBFJ News Update...

A formal United Nations cease-fire between Israel and Hezbollah began at 1 a.m. this morning. But Israeli troops have already opened fire in self-defense on Hezbollah fighters just three hours after the cease fire started Israel’s air and sea embargo on Lebanon will remain in effect. (CNN)

The British government has downgraded its terror level for outbound flights from critical to severe…suggested that an attack is no longer imminent after officials stopped an alleged plot to bring down planes flying from the UK to America last week. (AP)
In the US: After banning liquids from airplanes, the TSA is now allowing small amounts of liquid medication onto flights. The Department of Homeland Security has reduced the threat level for U.S.-bound flights from Britain to orange, or HIGH alert status. (CNN)

Doctors have upgraded the condition of separated con-joined 4-year-old twins. Kendra and Maliyah Herrin, who were born joined at the mid-torso, had been in critical condition since their separation during a 26-hour surgery
on Aug. 8.

Nancy Ann Greenfield, a well known piano teacher and organizer of the yearly production of Handel’s Messiah has passed. She was 93.

Older people with mild hypertension or high blood pressure don't have to worry about moderate exercise. Researchers at Johns Hopkins say that the increase in their blood pressure resulting from limited exercise is normal and lasts only for a short while…of course…please see a doctor before starting any exercising regimen. (Healthday.com)

Do you just seem to always be running late? Ever try to make up time on the highway? One woman from Scottsdale, Arizona who has been caught 69 times by those speeder cameras since March told detectives that she speeds because she often is often late for meetings. Mortgage broker Fran Cisneros actually threw the tickets away because she didn't think anything could happen to her. She now faces jail time and $11,000 dollars in fines. A City Court judge in Scottsdale released her on Thursday on a promise to appear at a later date. (The Arizona Republic)

Homer Simpson, Pokemon and Mickey Mouse have been banned from prime time TV in China. Beginning Sept. 1, officials in China will bar foreign cartoons from state television from 5 to 8 p.m. in an effort to protect China's struggling animation studios. Communist leaders are said to be frustrated that so many cartoons are foreign-made, especially after efforts to build up Chinese animation studios.
Mission Prayer Point for Monday: Hundreds of Gospel for Asia missionaries are on the frontlines…providing assistance to millions left homeless across Western India following flooding from a heavier than normal monsoon-season.
More than a thousand people have died as a direct result of flooding and disease. (crosswalk.com)

-Advancing to third in points: Kevin Harvick winning at Watkins Glenn. There are 4 races to make the Nextell chase.

-Panthers winning by a point over the Bills on Saturday in Pre-Season NFL.

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Your WBFJ Family Friendly Forecast:
Today: Mostly sunny…High 86
Tonight: Clear…Low 70
Tuesday: Partly cloudy with scattered thunderstorms
developing later in the day…High 88.

Cograts to Jeremy Kindy...latest winner of The WBFJ - Chick-Fil-A NUGGET
Music from Selah…
Beat the heat with…
Milkshakes from Chick-Fil-A of the Triad...
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