
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The 26th Annual NCHE Homeschool Conference and Book Fair will be held at the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem this Thursday through Saturday (May 27-29, 2010).
Conference Details: http://nche.com/conference
Conference FAQ: http://nche.com/conference/frequently_asked_questions

FYI: Homeschool mom and traveler Michele Zavatsky author of the
“Kids Love…” books will join the WBFJ Morning Show this Thursday morning at 8am.
Michele will be speaking at the NCHE conference. Also, check out her booth at the NCHE Book Fair. More info: http://www.kidslovetravel.com/

'Extreme' Restaurant Meals: Calories, Fat, and Sodium in Some Restaurant Meals Exceed Healthy Daily Limits The latest list of terrible-for-you restaurant food is out, with consumer groups accusing big national chains of packing huge amounts of calories onto unsuspecting diners. Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). WebMD Health News

President Obama has authorized the call-up of as many as 1,200 National Guard troops along the U.S. border with Mexico. The troops would largely assist border patrol agents and local law enforcement with border protection and enforcement activities. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/obama-authorizes-deployment-national-guard-southwest/story?id=10740858

BP is still running tests and will decide Wednesday morning if it will go ahead with an effort to seal the blown-out Gulf of Mexico oil well by pumping heavy mud into a massive device on top of the breach. A memorial service was held yesterday for the 11 workers that were killed in the April 20 explosion aboard the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig.
BP's live stream of the oil leak: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=127130592
‘Top Kill’ animation: http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/05/26/gulf.oil.spil/index.html?hpt=T1

The crew aboard the Space shuttle Atlantis is back on earth. Atlantis landed around 8:48 a.m. this morning in Florida. FYI: Atlantis made its maiden voyage back in 1985. http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/05/26/atlantis.landing/index.html?hpt=T2

The state Highway Patrol will shut down the intersection of Business 85 and River Road in Jamestown today from 9am to 1pm…to reconstruct the fatal crash involving a trooper's patrol car over the weekend.

'Susie's Law', the animal cruelty law named for an abused and burned Greensboro puppy passed a key legislative committee yesterday…and is on a fast track to passing the General Assembly. Susie’s Law would increase the penalties for abusing animals. Under the bill, judges would have discretion to give those convicted jail time in severe cases

Reality TV season finals…
Nicole Scherzinger, one of the members of “The Pussycat Dolls” and partner Derek Hough – winners of 'Dancing with the Stars'.
Season 9 of NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” winner last night: Michael Ventrella from Chicago. Michael weighed in at 526 pounds and ended up losing 264 pounds during the season. He lost more than 50%.
Tonight: Season Finale of American Idol …Crystal or Lee? Fans will also say ‘goodbye’ to Idol judge Simon Cowell who is leaving the show.

OOps? When "Today" show news anchor Ann Curry delivered the commencement speech at Wheaton College in Massachusetts over the weekend, she named a list of distinguished alumni, including the Reverend Billy Graham, Wes Craven and Dennis Hastert. The problem is that the evangelist, the horror movie director and the former U.S. House Speaker all attended the Wheaton College in Illinois, not the one in Massachusetts. On Monday, Curry sent an apology letter to the Wheaton College in Massachusetts. (AP)

Jars of Clay has put together an EP with five different versions of their song, "Flood." This 5 song EP is available for download for only $1 dollar at www.jarsofclay.com.
100% of the proceeds will go directly to charities aiding in flood relief efforts in the Nashville community.