
Thursday, August 21, 2008

TROPICAL STORM FAY is still lingering. Various Flood Warnings and Watches are in effect for east central Florida. Fay is forecast to move very slowly across the northern Florida peninsula today. The National Weather Service says nearly 25 inches of rain has fallen in and around Melbourne, Florida. The storm is sustaining maximum winds of near 60 miles per hour.

Officials in Spain have called for three days of mourning…following the crash of a passenger jet in Madrid yesterday. The crash killing 153 people. The Spanair Flight was carrying 172 people. There were 19 survivors, including two infants.

Lots of teachers preparing for students. In Guilford County: an estimated 72,000 students will report to class on Tuesday at 120 campuses. 36 out of 120 schools will require standard mode of dress this school year. The district will not raise meal prices or shift many bus stops, despite a tight budget and rising fuel costs.

The Guilford County Department of Public Health will offer flu shots to registered voters in November. The county will choose 8 sites out of 165 polling places to hold the ‘Vote and Vax’ clinics on Tuesday, November 4th . www.wxii12.com/news/17249564/detail.html?rss=gws&psp=news

Beijing Olympic Summer Games
-Keri and Misty winning the Gold for the US in Beach Volleyball
-Usian Bolt of Jamaica winning Gold in the 200 meter

FYI: Revazi Mindorashvili of the country of Georgia has beaten the Russian gold-medal favorite in an emotional semifinal match, then rallied in the finals to win the Olympic freestyle wrestling (185-pound class) championship.

Warthogs: Final home stand at Ernie Shore starts tonight.

FARMINGTON, Utah Lose a bet, kiss a horse? Davis County Commissioner Alan Hansen found settled the score by kissing a 3-year-old sand-colored horse named Reno earlier in the week.

PEW Research Study: The US Media more liberal, secular than ever...
A recent study conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 32% of national reporters acknowledged being politically liberal.