
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Residents along the Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida keeping an eye on Gustav. Gustav is currently in the Caribbean, threatening Cuba and Jamaica. Forecasters say Gustav should be back up to hurricane strength later today. Gustav is already blamed for 22 deaths across Haiti and the Dominican Republic. It was three years Friday that Hurricane Katrina slammed into the coastal areas of Louisiana.

Delegates to the Democratic National Convention officially nominated Barack Obama and Joseph Biden as their candidates of choice for President and Vice President.

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL HOPEFUL JOHN MCCAIN HAS REPORTEDLY DECIDED ON HIS RUNNING MATE…but will not make the announcement until tomorrow morning. The Republican National Convention starts Monday in Minneapolis-St. Paul.

A popular beach on North Carolina's Outer Banks that has been closed to off-road vehicles has been reopened by the National Park Service in time for Labor Day weekend visitors. The area known as Bodie Island Spit is open to give fishermen access to Oregon Inlet. The area had been closed since spring to protect endangered shorebird nests.

THE MATTEL CORPORATION HAS WON A HUGE COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT CASE RELATED TO THE TOY COMPANY'S OWNERSHIP OF THE BRATZ LINE OF PRODUCTS. A federal court on Tuesday awarded the toy company one-hundred-million dollars in damages from MGA Entertainment and its CEO.

Scientists from the US and China have identified the first gene directly associated with the onset of severe "dry" macular degeneration…one of two forms of age-related macular degeneration that currently threatens the vision of up to nine million older Americans. The findings were expected to be published online Aug. 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine. www.healthday.com/Article.asp?AID=618826

SPORTS:ACC Football…season openers tonight
Wake Forest at Baylor...NC State vs South Carolina

WS Warthogs: Final home stand at Ernie Shore Field tonight
Warthogs played part of a double header last night. Kinston won the first game last night. Play was suspended in the third inning. Last night’s game will start at 6pm this evening.

Strange accident at a recent Grasshoppers game will cost one fan his left eye. Carroll Master, his wife and 2-year-old son were enjoying a baseball game at NewBridge Bank Park last Friday. He was on his way back from the concession stand when a foul ball hit him in his left eye. Doctors said the force of the ball destroyed Master's left eye. He is undergoing surgery Thursday to have it removed and replaced with a prosthetic. www.myfoxwghp.com/myfox/pages/News/Detail?contentId=7301729&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=3.2.1