
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dense Fog Advisory through mid morningVisibility down to a quarter of a mile or less in some areas

Have you mailed all of your holiday packages or Christmas cards? Monday was considered the busiest mailing day of the year. Post Office officials estimated that more than 830 million pieces of mail were processed. Need to mail a package to someone by Christmas day?
You have until next Monday, December 21st for first-class mail and priority mail.
And, next Wednesday, December 23 for Express Mail packages.

Moses Cone Health System has lifted its ban on visitors younger than 18 years of age. Most area hospitals initiated a ban on younger visitors to help curb the spread of the H1N1 flu virus. Baptist Medical Center, Forsyth Medical and High Point Regional have no plans on lifting the restrictions.
H1N1 Flu Clinics happening today and Wednesday (December 15 & 16) from 7am – 7pm at the Education Building at the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds.
Contact information: Cynthia Jefferies at 703-3103

Blizzard conditions are slowing the search for two missing hikers on Mt Hood in Oregon. Up to 2 feet of new snow expected overnight into Tuesday.

Granite Tactical Vehicles Inc. (maker of armored vehicles for the U.S. military) is expanding…creating 200 jobs in Surry County.

ILLINOIS CONGRESSMAN MARK KIRK IS CALLING THE PLAN TO MOVE TWO HUNDRED AND 15 TERRORISTS TO HIS STATE AN UNNECESSARY RISK. Kirk says basic questions need to be answered before the move is made. Speaking on the floor of the House of Representatives, Kirk says the facility is only 22 miles from a nuclear reactor, and wants to know what precautions are being taken. He alsao wants to know how the federal government intends to protect the families of jurors and prosecutors serving on commissions.