
Christians as Terror threat?

Christian Terrorists?
Burlington, New Jersey: One school district painted Christian conservatives as "terrorists" in a mock hostage drill.

Stand with Jay Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice against religious bigotry. Christian Conservatives being portrayed as terrorists is unacceptable — and hostility towards any religion is wrong.
Sign the petition today:

As heard on WBFJ:
A mock ‘Terror Drill’ at one New Jersey school district portrays Christians as Terror threat:
Schools officials in Burlington, New Jersey along with local law enforcement staged a mock ‘hostage situation’ drill last week portrayed the attackers as ‘conservative Christians.’ In the drill, one of the mock attackers was upset that his daughter was expelled for praying before class. School superintendent Chris Manno praised the exercise…saying that “you perform as you practice. We need to ‘practice’ under conditions as real as possible.”
-Jay Sekulow with the ACLJ is shocked with Christian Conservatives being portrayed as terrorists saying that hostility towards any religion is wrong.

WBFJ Sharthon 2007
May 8 - 11, 2007
Tuesday, May 8: AVALON in concert at First Assembly of God in Winston-Salem. Detail online www.wbfj.fm