

National Day of Prayer will be Thursday, May 3rd .
This year's theme, "America, Unite in Prayer" based on II Chronicles 7:14

15,000 troops could stay longer in Iraq:
The Pentagon is considering a plan to extend the tours of duty for up to 15,000 U.S. troops serving in Iraq by a maximum of 120 days.
There are currently some 145,000 U.S. troops in Iraq.

Full house at the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners meeting last night. The hot topic of praying in the name of Jesus (or any other deity) at the start of the commissioners’ meetings generated lots of discussion.
The ACLU recently filed a lawsuit against the county (on behalf of 3 Forsyth County residents). The lawsuit wants to force commissioners to approve a non-sectarian prayer policy…saying that . The Board will meet in a closed session on Thursday to decide what to do and how to fight and fund the ACLU lawsuit.

Radio personality Don Imus has been suspended for two weeks after using a racially derogatory remark describing the Rutgers University women's basketball team last week. The suspension by MS-NBC and CBS Radio startsApril 16. Imus apologized for the remark last Friday and repeated the apology yesterday.
Rutgers University is expected to hold a news conference later this morning.

Dark chocolate - good. Ice tea – not so good…in helping lower high blood pressure. According to new German research saying that the benefits are believed to come from compounds known as flavonoids.

Dutch researchers finding that people who spend a lot of time near chlorinated pools face an increased risk of breathing problems.
Chlorine reacts with substances such as sweat to create byproducts that can irritate the respiratory tract.
People who work in excessive humidity or inadequate ventilation were also more likely to have breathing problems.

Minor League Baseball action:
-The Greensboro Grasshoppers lose their home opener last night to
Lake County…14 – 8. Hoppers at home tonight.
-WS Warthogs over the Pelicans…3-2. Warthogs at home tonight at 7.

Your WBFJ Family Station Forecast:
Today: Mostly sunny…High 60
Tonight: Cloudy…Low 40
Wednesday: Showers…High near 50

Temperatures back to 70 by the end of the week.

WBFJ Sharthon 2007
May 8 - 11, 2007
Tuesday, May 8: AVALON in concert at First Assembly of God in Winston-Salem. Detail online www.wbfj.fm