
Get involved during National Volunteer Week...

Volunteers Needed on Wednesday:
Call Andrea Kurtz with ‘Project Homeless Connect’ at (336) 721-9378.
Project Homeless Connect a one-day outreach program for the homeless in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County will be this Wednesday (April 18) at the Coliseum Annex from 8 to 3:30 p.m. in Winston-Salem.
If you are in need or you know someone in need in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County.…You can get information about employment, housing, job training, education, substance abuse, emergency assistance, veterans benefits, legal assistance and more at the Annex on Wednesday.
Also: Project Homeless Connect will offer the homeless showers, haircuts and food. Transportation will be available to the event from sites around the city.
Information about ‘Project Homeless Connect event’ on Wednesday…

Project Homeless Connect is being sponsored by the United Way of Forsyth County and coordinated by the Ten-Year Plan Commission to End Chronic Homelessness.

The Spring Blood Drive to Support our Troops will be in the Triad this week.
The Mobile Blood Unit from Fort Bragg will be collecting blood in…
In Winston-Salem on Wednesday, April 18 from 9 to 4pm
at the National Guard Armory on Silas Creek Parkway
Contact: Don Adamack 945-4809 / 575-9196
AND in High Point on Thursday, April 19
At Post 87 is located at 409 W. High Ave in High Point

In May...Call 721-1560 to volunteer during Sharathon 2007 at WBFJ!!!!!!