
WBFJ News (Thursday, July 26)

A powerful 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit eastern Indonesia earlier today. The quake triggered a tsunami warning but the alert was quickly lifted after it became clear no destructive waves had been generated. http://www.theconservativevoice.com/ap/article.html?mi=D8QK6HT01&apc=9002

The JESUS Film recently reached its 1,000th translation when the movie was translated into the Lan-ka Kol language, a people group numbering more than one million in India. The Jesus Film Project is a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. There is close to 7,000 know languages in the world. The Jesus Film was first shown in U.S. theaters in 1979…and has been viewed by more than five billion people worldwide.

(Updated) Top South Korean officials are on their way to Afghanistan, scrambling to save 22 South Korean Christian volunteers held captive by Taliban kidnappers after the militants shot and killed one hostage earlier in the week. http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/07/26/afghanistan.hostages.ap/index.html

The Walt Disney Company will became the first major Hollywood studio to ban depictions of smoking…saying there would be no smoking in its family-oriented, Disney-branded films. Disney is also "discouraging smoking" in films distributed by Touchstone and Miramax.

U.S. addiction experts are warning that celebrities like actress Lindsay Lohan and pop star Britney Spears are making a mockery of rehabilitation programs by appearing not to take treatment seriously. http://www.cnn.com/2007/HEALTH/07/25/celebrities.rehab.reut/index.html

Oprah Winfrey topping the list of the highest-paid television stars in the US.
According to a list in TV Guide magazine, Oprah earns an estimated $260 million dollars a year. Music producer and American Idol Judge Simon Cowell comes in a distant second earning $45 million dollars a year. http://www.reuters.com/article/entertainmentNews/idUSN2422348120070725?feedType=RSS&rpc=22&sp=true

Jake, a black Labrador who became a national canine hero after burrowing through white-hot, smoking debris in search of survivors at the World Trade Center site after 9-11…died Wednesday after a battle with cancer. The results of an autopsy on Jake's cancer-riddled body will be part of a University of Pennsylvania medical study of Sept. 11 search-and-rescue dogs.

The parents of a 16-year-old student who married her former teacher are suing the Guildford County School system. The lawsuit accuses Guilford County schools of failing to alert authorities upon finding out that a former teacher Brenton Wu-chae had inappropriate relationships with female students.

We need your help to make our goal of 1,000 pairs of new shoes.
The WBFJ “Shoes for Orphan Souls” shoe drive through
Buckner International. You can drop off new shoes at participating Christian Book Stores
through July 30th. The WBFJ Morning Show will be on location today from 11 to 1…at the Lifeway Christian Stores in Winston-Salem and Greensboro AND at Lemstone Books in Kernersville. Drop off at least one new pair of shoes between 11 and 1 and the WBFJ Morning Show will say ‘Thank You’ by giving you a CD. Details about the WBFJ “Shoes for Orphan Souls” shoe drive and Buckner International online…wbfj.fm.

Your WBFJ Family Station Forecast:
Today: Partly sunny with scattered showers and
thunderstorms…High 85
Tonight: Showers and thunderstorms…Low 68
Friday: Mix of sun and clouds. An afternoon thunderstorm
possible…High 85

Sneak Peak to the Weekend: Scattered thunderstorms…Highs in the mid to upper 80’s