
'Hearing Everett' - the movie

Luke Everett and his brother Ed, were our special in-studio guests on Thursday talking about their movie

'Hearing Everett' is a call to action for the “ordinary church member” who may believe that God cannot use them.

See the film this weekend:
'Hearing Everett' will be shown at the West Campus of Calvary Baptist Church on Friday, August 21 and Saturday, August 22 at 6:00 PM. The Saturday showing will feature subtitles in Spanish. Then, on Sunday at 6:30 PM, they will have a showing for the deaf with sign language interpretation.

The West Campus is strategically located at the intersection of Hwy. 801 and Hwy. 158 in Davie County with easy access from exit 180 off interstate 40.

For more information about the showing this weekend visit: http://www.calvarynow.com/templates/System/details.asp?id=44069&PID=608065

For more information about the Everett Brothers and their amazing ministry visit: