
Thursday, June 09, 2011

Code Orange Air Quality Alert (again) for the Triad
Your WBFJ Family Station Forecast:

Tips to beat the heat: Stay hydrated if you are going to be out in the heat!  That means drink lots of water…even when you don't feel thirsty. You should limit caffeine if you are going to be working or playing outside in this heat. Wearing lightweight, light-colored clothing can also keep you cooler. Be a good neighbor. During heat waves, be sure to check on elderly residents of your community, or those who don't have air conditioning, to make sure they are OK. www.greenwichtime.com/local/article/Tips-for-keeping-cool-1416156.php

The “Woman’s Right to Know Bill” was passed in the House yesterday and now goes to the state senate. The bill requires that doctors provide women seeking an abortion with a 24-hour waiting period before making a decision, alternative options and an ultrasound of their unborn baby.  House Bill 854   www.civitasreview.com/ FYI: North Carolina is one of 16 states that does NOT require specialized counseling before an abortion.  

A strong majority of Americans, especially young Americans, believe having an abortion is wrong. One of the questions from a new Reuters poll (conducted in March for National Public Radio…YES, NPR), asked, “Do you personally believe having an abortion is wrong?” Almost 60% of Americans said yes (abortion is wrong), while slightly more than 40% were OK with abortion. The poll also asked whether abortions “should be legal , the responses were less pro-life, with just over 50% of Americans wanting abortions to be legal in ‘most’ or ‘all’ cases. http://www.ncfamily.org/stories/110607s1.html

That massive wildfire in eastern Arizona has emptied two towns, and now threatens to knock out power to parts of three states. Fire crews battling Arizona’s second largest wildfire are hopeful that if weather conditions hold today, they can slow the fire. www.foxnews.com/us/2011/06/09/2-arizona-towns-empty-as-wildfire-approaches/#ixzz1Om0zbD36

Delta Airlines doing an ‘about-face’ after U.S. Army soldiers returning from Afghanistan complained that they were charged almost $3,000 dollars in extra bag fees by the carrier. Delta Air Lines will now allow U.S. military personnel traveling on orders to check more bags for free.
 A 34-member US Army unit, bound for Fort Polk, Louisiana, said their military travel orders allowed them to carry up to four bags, but when they arrived at the airport in Baltimore, Delta told them it allows military personnel to check only three bags for free. Members of the unit who were traveling with four bags ended up paying $200 dollars each out of pocket for their extra luggage.  United and Continental is following suit and will also allow more checked bags for military. http://www.cnn.com/2011/TRAVEL/06/08/soldiers.bags.delta/index.html?hpt=hp_t2

Texas Pete ‘Twin City Rib Fest’ starts today and runs through the weekend at the Dixie Classic Fairgrounds in Winston-Salem.  Lunch time special: FREE admission today and Friday from 11 to 2pm. Cost: $7 dollars for adults. Kids 12 and younger FREE. http://www.twincityribfest.com/

Over $400,000 dollars in damage but no one hurt in that two-alarm fire yesterday afternoon at the Sherwood Ridges Apartments near Robinhood Road in Winston-Salem. The Winston-Salem Journal reporting that an electrical short in a fan sparked the fire. The Red Cross is assisting residents displaced by the fire.

In a marathon session lasting until almost midnight, the House passed a bill which would require a photo ID for voters at their polling place. The Voter ID bill still faces another vote in the House later today. (HB-351)  www.civitasreview.com/
Sunny and HOT. Humid…High 95