
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Your WBFJ Family Station Forecast: Today: Sunny and breezy…High near 70

THE PRESIDENT WILL ANNOUNCE TOUGH NEW EMISSIONS AND MILEAGE STANDARDS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS. The proposal will raise fuel efficiency targets for passenger vehicles and light trucks as well as tougher standards for tailpipe emissions.

State refund payments are once again being sent out…a month after the filing deadline. Cash flow problems in Raleigh have improved. People that filed electronic returns should get a refund in two to four weeks, while those who turned in paper returns will still have to wait six to 12 weeks. http://www2.journalnow.com/content/2009/may/19/state-tax-refund-payments-back-time-after-delays/

Governor Bev Perdue will sign into law today the state’s first smoking ban in restaurants and bars. The law will go into effect Jan. 2.

The chancellor of North Carolina State University said Monday that it would be best for the university if former first lady Mary Easley resigns her position at the school.
Two university officials resigned last week following accusations they acted inappropriately in the hiring of Mary Easley.

A federal grand jury investigation of former Governor Mike Easley and the use of private aircraft before and during his two terms as governor…continues. http://www.myfox8.com/wghp-chancellor-easley-090518,0,5285262.story

Winston-Salem police will soon be equipped with Tasers. The City Council has approved the purchase last night. Some Forsyth County sheriff's deputies already carry Tasers. http://www.digtriad.com/news/features/article.aspx?storyid=124392&catid=216

A Rose by any other name…? Eastern Nazarene College (a Christian college in Quincy, Massachusetts) is switching mascots. The College will now be known as the Lions, not the Crusaders. The school's president points out that Bible refers to Jesus as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. And he says the lion is a symbol of courage and strength.

Bird-watching isn't for wimps. At least not the way Bill Baker and his buddies do it. Baker was part of a three-man team competing in the recent Great Texas Birding Classic in Gulf Coast, Texas. Here’s the deal: The teams comb the Texas coastline, seeing who can spot the most species over five days. Baker says they don't get much sleep and survive on fast food. And these bird-watchers even have to play hurt. "Warblers neck" is a common injury, a cramp that comes from all that upward head tilting. But it was worth it. http://www.digtriad.com/news/watercooler/article.aspx?storyid=124386&catid=176

And then there were two…Adam and Kris. Tonight is the final ‘performance’ night on American Idol. www.americanidol.com

Auditions will be held in Wilmington and Savannah, Ga., for the new Miley Cyrus movie, "The Last Song." . Auditions will be held in both cities, with callbacks in Savannah. Information:
Those interested in the roles should e-mail head shots and resumes to Timothy Donner (daercom@msn.com). Donner is the associate casting director and he'll advise those interested when and where the audition will be held. Be sure to mention "Last Song" in the e-mail.

Volunteers needed: The ‘Stamp-Out Hunger’ letter carrier food drive brought in 112,000 pounds of non-perishable food items to help feed the hungry through Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC. Now, they need help sorting the food items. If you can volunteer call 784-5770

Enter a Missions Photo Contest: ‘Adventures In Missions’ is hosting a Missions Photo Contest highlighting ‘ministry in action’. The winning photos will be published. Cash prizes will be awarded to the first – fifth place winners. The deadline for the contest is June 15th (July 31).
More information is available online at www.adventures.org

SPORTS: N-H-L Eastern Conference Finals: Game One: Pittsburg Penguins over Carolina Hurricanes…3 – 2. Game two: Thursday night
Julie Walker (the wife of Canes forward Scott Walker) has been diagnosed with cervical cancer. Doctors are saying that she should make a full recovery.