
WBFJ Morning News

Tuesday…October 02, 2007
Today at the Dixie Classic Fair:
WBFJ Live at the Gazebo
**Gates open at 9am for Senior Adults…
(Everyone else) Gates open at 11am (Midway open til midnight)
Wendy’s Unlimited Ride Promotion day
Swifty Swine Racing and Swimming Pigs (first race at 10am)
Food contest: (10am) Sugar cake contest (?)
Fireworks at 9:45pm

A teenager who drowned at Happy Hill pool on August 3rd had a condition that left his heart weakened. A medical examiner said yesterday that 16 year old Christian Miller’s heart was inflamed and likely played a role in his death. (Journalnow.com)

IT WAS A RECORD DAY ON WALL STREET YESTERDAY. It was the first time the Dow crossed the 14-thousand mark.
The leaders of North Korea and South Korea meeting today for only the second time since the end of the Korean conflict in 1953. Each side hoping for a peace agreement.

A court has ordered pop singer Britney Spears to give up custody of her children to former hubby Kevin Ferderline by noon Wednesday. Federline and Spears divorced in July and have two children, ages 2 and 1.

All but one of the dogs seized in the Michael Vick dog fighting case will be placed with families or put in a "sanctuary," where they will interact with people to overcome their fear and lack of socialization, according to court order filed Monday.

Food Lion store recalling specific containers of milk not appear to be a food safety issue, but rather a quality one. Apparently, several customers complained that the milk was spoiling earlier than it should. The milk in question has been taken off the shelves. Customers can return the Food Lion milk for a full refund.https://mail.wbfj.fm/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.wral.com/news/local/story/1872887/

Your WBFJ Family Station Forecast:
Today: Mix of sun and clouds…High 80
Tonight: Mostly cloudy…Low 62
Wednesday: Cloudy skies. Scattered showers possible…High 80

WBFJ…Chick-Fil-A ‘NUGGET’ (9-10am)
Music from BarlowGirl “How can we be silent?”
AND food from Chick-Fil-A of the Triad