
Monday, November 30, 2009

TONIGHT: Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center is holding its annual Moravian Christmas star lighting and worship service this evening. The service will take place at 5:30pm at the employee parking lot on Cloverdale Avenue across from the Shell gas station.
The public is invited. The outdoor service will be led by the Rev. Jon Boling from Ardmore Moravian Church, and will feature the Medical Center Chorale, a Moravian band and the lighting of the star. For more information call: (336) 716-3027
More Christmas celelebrations at http://wbfj.fm/christmascelebrations.html

Today is Cyber Monday…the Monday following Black Friday and the unofficial kick off to online shopping for the holiday season. Pre-cyber Monday online shopping is showing a 35% increase.
Black Friday sales up slightly than last year. http://www.bfads.net/

Food safety…leftovers from Thanksgiving Day. Chef Jeff (Triad Community Kitchens) suggesting to keep foods 4 days if cooked and stored quickly after the Thanksgiving meal. Six months in the freezer. Put this nutritional site in your favorites: http://www.foodsafety.gov/

The state’s ban on sending text messages while driving will go into effect on Tuesday. Texting while driving could cost you a $100 dollar fine. BTW: the new law only applies to the driver while the vehicle is moving. http://www.journalnow.com/

SOMALI PIRATES HAVE SIEZED AN OIL TANKER IN THE WATERS AROUND EAST AFRICA. There are 28 crew members on board the vessel. Piracy in the region has increased despite the international community stepping up patrols throughout the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden.

UPDATE: Police surrounding a house in Seattle say an ex-con suspected of killing four officers at a coffee shop on Sunday morning is holed up inside, possibly wounded from the earlier ambush.
37 year old Maurice Clemmons, who has a lengthy prison sentence, was commuted by former Arkansas Govermor Mike Huckabee nearly a decade ago.

Tiger Woods finally gave his side of the story yesterday – by way of his Web site - but not to police. Woods took the blame for an "embarrassing" car crash early Friday morning that gave him cuts, bruises and ‘negative’ media attention like never before. The statement was posted around 2 p.m. yesterday afternoon, about an hour after Woods' attorney told the Florida Highway Patrol that for the third straight day golf's No. 1 player would be unavailable to talk to troopers. http://sports.myway.com/news/11292009/v8125.html

NFL: The Jets over the Panthers…17 - 6.
Late game: Ravens over the Steelers (in OT)…20 - 17

College Football: Kickoff for Saturday's second-round playoff game between Appalachian State and Richmond has been set for 7 p.m. at UR Stadium in Richmond, Virginia. Richmond is last season's national FCS champion. ASU, the FCS national champion from 2005 to 2007, is the No. 5 seed in the playoffs. http://www.goasu.com/