
WBFJ News Update for Thursday, August 02, 2007

Fisher-Price Toy Recall information: http://service.mattel.com/us/recall/default.asp?recall_id=52430
The Mattel recall hot line 1-800-916-4498.

Toy-maker Fisher-Price is recalling close to a million toys that were made in China because the paint on the toys contains excessive amounts of lead. The worldwide recall from Fisher-Price involves 83 types of pre-school toys including the popular Big Bird, Elmo and Dora characters sold in the US between May and August of this year. http://www.theconservativevoice.com/ap/article.html?mi=D8QON4UG0&apc=9004

The I-35 west bridge in Minnesota jammed with rush-hour traffic suddenly broke into huge sections and collapsed into the Mississippi River Wednesday around 6pm local time. Dozens of vehicles traveling on bridge fell 60 feet into the water. -4 people died from the collapse. 20 people still unaccounted for.-The 8 lane bridge connects the cities of Minneapolis and St Paul in Minnesota. http://www.theconservativevoice.com/news/us-news.html

According to a 2005 Triple A of the Carolinas report, more than 25% of the state’s bridges were substandard. Forsyth, Guilford, Randolph, Wake and Buncombe counties have the highest number of substandard bridges in North Carolina. None of the bridges in our state are in danger of collapsing. http://www.wfmynews2.com/news/local_state/article.aspx?storyid=87730

Parents listen up… If your child is a student in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School system…Friday is the deadline for parents to change their child's school bus route. If you miss Friday's deadline…changes can be made in September. http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/parents/busroute.html

As of Wednesday (August 1st) the entire Davidson County School System is now smoke-free. No tobacco products, including smokeless will be allowed in school buildings or vehicles. Smoking or chewing tobacco is also banned on all school grounds, including athletic or school-sponsored events. http://www.davidson.k12.nc.us/education/district/district.php?sectionid=1

According to a new report from Voice of the Martyrs, the government of Cambodia has banned door-to-door Christian evangelism stressing that the distribution of religious literature should be confined to church buildings.
The ban from the Ministry of Cults and Religions in Cambodia will apply to all non-Buddhist groups. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=56932

Will the real Harry Potter ‘answer the phone’? 78 year old ‘Harry Potter’ from Bradenton, Florida starts getting phone calls from kids, interview requests from the TV networks and autograph requests…every time a new Harry Potter book or movie comes out. "The kids want to know if I'm Harry Potter," Potter said with a chuckle. "I tell them I've been Harry Potter for near 80 years!" The real Harry Potter said he has not seen any of the J.K. Rowling books or movies. http://www.wfmynews2.com/news/watercooler_entertainment/article.aspx?storyid=87687

The statewide “tax free holiday” starts this Friday (August 3) and runs through Sunday (August 5). The National Retail Federation saying that most families will spend $550 dollars on back-to-school shopping.
The average savings per family…about $40. Some of the things covered under the Tax - Free Weekend: All clothes, school supplies and footwear that's a $100 or less per item. Computers under $3,500 and computer supplies less than$250. http://www.dor.state.nc.us/taxes/sales/salestax_holiday.html

WBFJ and ‘Wally the Warthog’ will be “Beefing up the Pantry” for Crisis Control Ministry this Saturday before the Warthogs game.
Drop off donations of beef stew, grits and oatmeal will be collected at the gate prior to the Warthogs game this Saturday (August 4). http://www.crisiscontrol.org/.
Traffic Report:
Bridge repair: Davidson County, South of Lexington
Interstate 85 northbound at Mile Marker 82 will be down to one lane
today through Thursday from 8:30 to 4pm… NB I-85 (at Mile Marker 82)
You may want to use Highway 29 as an alternate route.
The work is expected to continue through August 24, 2007.

Hot, Hazy and Humid…
Your WBFJ Family Station Forecast:
Today: Mostly sunny…High 91
Tonight: Clear…Low 68
Friday: Sunny…High 92
Sneak Peak to the Weekend: Mix of sun and clouds…High 93