
WBFJ News Update...Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Back to School changes:
Starting today…(August 1st) the entire Davidson County School System will go smoke-free. No tobacco products, including smokeless will be allowed in school buildings or vehicles. Smoking or chewing tobacco is also banned on all school grounds, including athletic or school-sponsored events. http://www.davidson.k12.nc.us/education/district/district.php?sectionid=1

Parents listen up… If your child is a student in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School system…Friday is the deadline for parents to change their child's school bus route. If you miss Friday's deadline…changes can be made in September. http://wsfcs.k12.nc.us/parents/busroute.html

The state's Parks and Recreation Fund has approved a $500,000 dollar grant for a new park in Lewisville. The grant money will be used to build athletic fields, walking trails and a pavilion for the new Jack Warren Park. (Fox 8)

A couple sleeping in their apartment in Greensboro were startled early Tuesday morning when bullets came through their room. Greensboro Police Detectives say that three people were firing a handgun in the Stone's Throw Apartments Complex around 4am Tuesday morning. The couple was taken to Moses Cone Hospital. http://www.wfmynews2.com/news/mostpopular/article.aspx?storyid=87667&provider=top

A deal by Rupert Murdoch to buy Dow Jones and Company
(the publisher of the Wall Street Journal) for $5 billion dollars is almost a done deal. Murdoch's global media empire, News Corp. is the parent company of the Fox News Channel. http://www.usaradio.com/business_news_details.php?catid=0&storyid=1422

Former state House Speaker Jim Black has been ordered to pay a $1 million dollar fine within 5 months on state political corruption charges.

The statewide “tax free holiday” starts this Friday (August 3) and runs through Sunday (August 5). The National Retail Federation saying that most families will spend $550 dollars on back-to-school shopping. http://www.dor.state.nc.us/taxes/sales/salestax_holiday.html

With help from the Alliance Defense Fund, charges have been dismissed against two members of The Gideons International who were arrested while handing out Bibles on a public sidewalk outside a school in Monroe County, Florida. The incident happened on January 19th when the principal of Key Largo school called police complaining that the two Gideons were handing out Bibles. 100% of funds raised by the Gideons International go toward the purchase of Bibles. The Gideons have placed Bibles in 181 nations in 82 different languages. http://worldnetdaily.com/news/printer-friendly.asp?ARTICLE_ID=56890

Disney announcing plans to make all seven of the Chronicles of Narnia books into feature films…releasing one Narnia movie a year starting in May '08 with Prince Caspian. The first Narnia movie…The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe grossed almost $300 million dollars. Hasbro has the master toy license for the Chronicles of Narnia series.

WBFJ and ‘Wally the Warthog’ will be “Beefing up the Pantry” for Crisis Control Ministry this Saturday before the Warthogs game.
Drop off donations of beef stew, grits and oatmeal will be collected at the gate prior to the Warthogs game this Saturday (August 4). http://www.crisiscontrol.org/.

Expect delays at the intersection of Moore-RJR Road and Highway 52 Crews are finishing up some road work…on Moore-RJR Road.

Bridge repair: Davidson County, South of Lexington
Interstate 85 northbound at Mile Marker 82 will be down to one lane
today through Thursday from 8:30 to 4pm… NB I-85 (at Mile Marker 82)
You may want to use Highway 29 as an alternate route.
Hot, Hazy and Humid… Your WBFJ Family Station Forecast:
Today: Mostly sunny…High 89
Tonight: Clear…Low 67
Thursday: Sunny…High 90
Sneak Peak to the Weekend: Sunny with Highs in the low 90’s

Special guest : Dr Joe Verga with Associates in Christian Counseling