
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Blame it on the bad economy: The state is ordering school districts to return a total of $58 million dollars to help cover a projected budget shortfall. The education cuts are part of a series of across-the-board cuts ordered by the Governor. www.journalnow.com/content/2008/nov/19/schools-told-to-return-money/news-regional/

Researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center finding that Ginkgo Biloba (a top-selling herb marketed for memory enhancement) has no effect at preventing the onset of dementia or Alzheimer's disease. www.journalnow.com/content/2008/nov/19/disappointed-study-shows-ginkgo-doesnt-help-prev1/news/

Hanesbrands will be eliminating close to 400 jobs in North Carolina. 155 of the job cuts will include high paying executive jobs in Winston-Salem. Hanesbrands will also close its yarn production plant in China Grove (in Rowan County) by the end of the year. www.myfoxwghp.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail?contentId=7892611&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1

The CEO’s of Ford, Chrysler and GM were on Capitol Hill yesterday asking Congress for a multi-billion dollar Federal loan. The Democratic leadership in the Senate is supporting a plan to use $25 billion dollars of the recently passed $700 billion dollar bank bailout to help Detroit.

Doctors have given 30 year old Claudia Castillo a new windpipe with tissue engineered from her own adult stem cells. Claudia, a native of Colombia now living in Barcelona, Spain, had been suffering from long-term tuberculosis. The only conventional option was a major operation to remove her left lung, a risky procedure with a high mortality rate. Experts have hailed this controversial branch of medicine ( that some say could lead to human cloning) as a "milestone."

The 100,000th baby was born yesterday morning at The Women's Hospital of Greensboro. It’s a boy…Jaylen Nashawn Woodard was born at 7:29 a.m. and weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces. Mom and baby are doing fine. The Women's Hospital of Greensboro opened in 1990.
Hospital officials said Jaylen's mom, Tasha, was also delivered at Women's Hospital. www.wxii12.com/health/18008234/detail.html

There is one more thing orbiting earth…a bag full of tools. The tool kit drifted away from astronaut Heide Stefanyshyn-Piper who was performing a space walk outside of the International Space Station yesterday. Astronaut Heide was cleaning up the tool bag after a grease gun leaked inside…the when the tool bag drifted away from her. Heide is not the only astronaut to ‘lose’ something in space: during past space walks items such as bolts, various tools, a thermal cover and yes even a 14-inch spatula have floated away. NASA saying ‘The lost tool bag should not be too much of a problem’.

Survivor: Guatemala http://www.wbfj.org/event3.htm
The two contestants with the lowest amount of votes each day will NOT go home empty handed: They will receive a great prize pack including: the book from Rob Mitchell “Castaway Kid”, a T-Shirt from Caroline’s Promise, and music from WBFJ. Vote for your favorite from the Final 6 NOW @ wbfj.fm.
November is National Adoption Awareness Month

Sharing is Caring…Need Knows No Season The Great Stocking Stuff going on NOW thru December 17 (Wed). The Salvation Army in Winston-Salem serves families in Forsyth, Davie, Yadkin and Stokes. Pick up a stocking at Chick-Fil-A stores, Wachovia banks and select Christian Bookstores. Details at http://www.wbfj.fm/

Sports: ACC Basketball: Tarheels over Kentucky…77-58
Wake Forest hosting UNC-Wilmington at the Joel tonight
Also...Eastern Kentucky over WSSU (too many 3 pointers)
So Conn: ASU will play UNC-Charlotte in Boone tonight