
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Your WBFJ Family Station Forecast: Sunny and warm…High 82
Record breaking ‘high’ temperatures possible over the next two days
Record ‘high’ temperature for today is 85…

Central North Carolina including the Triad is under an increased ‘Fire Danger’ threat over the next several days because of warm temps and low humidity. Please use caution if you are planning on doing some outdoor burning

Day 4: The clean-up continues from Sunday night’s storm damage. Representatives from FEMA are scheduled to arrive in the Triad later today.

In High Point: If you would like to volunteer in the clean up , stop by Community Bible Church on Johnson Street to register with the High Point Police Department. The church has been set up as a command center through the weekend. Need more information: (336) 906-4341.

Helping Hands of High Point is collecting donations of clothes, toys, diapers, toiletries and non perishable food for those affected by Sunday’s tornadoes. Drop-off locations: Chili's near Oak Hollow Mall and Chop House off Hwy 68 in High Point.
Monetary donations can be made at any Suntrust Bank location. Just ask to have your deposit put in the Helping Hands of High Point account.

In Davidson County: Big Lots is sponsoring a ‘food and clothing drive’ in the parking lot this Saturday to help out tornado victims. The drive will be held from 9am – 5pm. All donations will go to the food bank at North Lexington Baptist Church, which will coordinate with the county to get the goods to the people.

In Davidson County, residents of Valley Mobile Home Estates say about 100 cars have driven through their neighborhood to see destruction caused by Sunday's storms. Some cars have come as far as South Carolina, Raleigh and Charlotte. Neighbors have decided to put up caution tape and charge people who want to look around. One neighbor saying "If they want to look, it's okay. We don't mind, but they're going to park up here. Pay a donation." So far, over $400 dollars has been raised since Monday. http://www.myfox8.com/news/nationworld/wghp-charging-gawkers-100331,0,1444340.story

If your homepage is Google…you may have noticed that Google has changed its name? Early last month the mayor of Topeka, Kansas stunned the world by announcing that his city was changing its name to ‘Google’. To honor the gesture, Google has officially changed its name to Topeka. www.google.com

Local CBL shopping malls are collecting your gently used shoes for a good cause. The malls -- Hanes Mall in Winston-Salem, Friendly Center in Greensboro, Oak Hollow Mall in High Point and Randolph Mall in Asheboro -- are collecting shoes for Soles4Souls. The shoe drive will run through April 16. Collection bins are located at the customer-service centers. In Winston-Salem: You can drop off gently worn shoes at the Hush Puppies and Yankee Candle stores in Hanes Mall. For more information: www.giveshoes.org

Major league batters hitting ‘foul balls’ during a baseball game…not usually a news worthy event, right? During the first inning of yesterday’s exposition game between the Twins and Yankees in Florida, Denard Span with the Minnesota Twins hit a hard foul ball down the third base line that struck a fan…and not just any fan. The foul ball actually hit Denard’s mother in the chest. http://www.concordmonitor.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100401/SPORTS/4010340/1007/sports

TONIGHT: Men’s N-I-T basketball final: The Tarheels play Dayton at 7pm

Men’s NCAA Tournament (Final Four this coming Saturday)
Butler vs Michigan State (6:07pm)
Duke Blue Devils vs West Virginia (8:47pm)