
Petition to Protect Pro-Life Doctors

Sign the online no later than April 8, 2009…
Sign the petition:

President Obama: Respect My Pro-Life Convictions
I have strong convictions, but President Obama says that doesn’t matter. He’s ready to rescind the Conscience Clause. The Conscience Clause was implemented by George W. Bush (through Executive Order) to give physicians and nurses the choice to act according to their conscience — to not participate in abortion procedures if it conflicts with their personal convictions. President Obama is pushing to reverse the Conscience Clause, forcing pro-life doctors and nurses into performing abortion procedures, despite their individual beliefs.

The announcement was made Friday, March 6, 2009.
The public now has 30 days to file comments with the White House.
The date to ‘sign’ the petition is April 8, 2009.

Information compiled by the American Center for Law and Justice
(Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel) www.aclj.org/Default.aspx

Be Heard Project
Watch the new video from the Future Nurses of America. In the video, you will hear from future pro-life healthcare professionals who ask President Obama to keep the Conscience Clause in place and keep them from being forced to participate in abortions.
Watch the video now: www.beheardproject.com